Linho Scalloped Rectangular Placemats:
Linho mats and runners are designed to add a beautiful monogram, either at the top or center, but are just as exquisite without one. When monogramming, rayon embroidery thread is recommended to resist shrinkage when laundered. Note that shrinkage of about 3% is normal after the first laundering.
#SimplyExquisteSkyros #SkyrosLinho #SkyrosDesigns #Linen #Placemat#Monogram #Amazing
Care & Usage:
Caring for the Linho Collection mats is quite easy. Simply wipe a spill clean with a damp cloth! It’s just that effortless, as the mats are extremely stain resistant. Should heavier spills occur, machine wash the mats on a gentle cycle, air dry and press on the reverse side.